• Scott Kowski
    City Council Candidate
  • Three words that define you?

    Integrity, Values and Commitment

    Why are you running for the City Council, and what related experience do you bring to the table that makes you uniquely qualified?

    I believe transparency in government is key and should be standard practice in all elected officials and the office they hold. The city council represents the residents of Sauk Centre and as city council members, they owe it to listen to those that are the people the council serves. We have a thriving community, and we need to make informed decisions when it comes to our residents and businesses. It is because of them that we have a community to live in. I have years of leadership experience with 30+ years in the military that will be helpful in leading the city in a positive direction. I will utilize many of the same skills and attributes that I had in the military and commit myself for the best of the community and the residents of Sauk Centre.

    Do you think it is important to have a competitive business climate and how can we improve our competitiveness to make sure private sector businesses can start and grow in our community?

    Businesses in a small town are key to a thriving community and bringing in visitors that want to experience what Sauk Centre has to offer.  Allowing businesses to grow by providing them with opportunities to be successful will only embody the business community.  Local businesses are the staple in the community and provide many non-profits and organizations with donations and resources so they also can be successful which helps build the whole community concept.  Small businesses are the backbone of a rural community and provide more than just a service – the provide opportunity to growing our community.

    Name the two or three most critical issues you believe the City of Sauk Centre faces and how would you address those issues?

    Our aging infrastructure is a big issue that needs to be addressed. With a growing community, there also needs to be growth in the services that are offered. Problems never get better by waiting and hoping things will improve – being proactive will eliminate the need for costly repairs and headaches. The city needs to way the cost vs benefit on the major infrastructure upgrades. Another issue I think is key is providing local businesses with opportunities that will help them succeed and compete against the Big Box stores. Local businesses have a vested interest in the community and not just their bottom dollar. They are the reason we have a thriving downtown and are key in keeping our community growing. And lastly, being a Firefighter and First Responder, the city needs to continue to provide the resources and tools necessary to keep our community safe, to include equipment and personnel.

    How would you engage the business community as you weigh your decisions?

    Again, working with our local business community and leaders, I feel that transparency is a key issue and being upfront and honest to these businesses in all aspects that affects their ability to be successful and sustainable.  I will listen to our business leaders and bring up their concerns and issues.  I do believe that knowledge is power and that being upfront is a good practice, whether it is what people want to hear or not.  Keeping information from businesses and residents will only inflame the situation and make matters worse.  Active listening is a one thing, but bringing the matters up and acting on them is the hard part.  I will work for our local businesses and ensure they have the opportunity to grow and succeed in all they do.



    *All candidates were contacted at email addresses and phone numbers listed in public filing records. Questionnaires had word/time limits and are published EXACTLY as submitted. No info is displayed if a candidate didn’t respond. If you would like a copy of the PDF forms that were submitted by the candidate, please submit that request to saukcentrechamber@gmail.com. Thank you.