Boost up Biz - Coffee & Connect
Calling all entrepreneurs. Whether you own a business, want to start a business, or are curious what the buzz is all about...you are invited to join us for Boost up Biz - Coffee & Connect.
Come share your story, your victories, your struggles, and get new ideas to invigorate your business!
Each month we have a coffee sponsor, a host that will keep things moving, and a spotlight business that will share a bit about their business and might have an ask or a question that the group can provide ideas or inspiration.Boost up Biz - Coffee & ConnectDate and Time
Wednesday Feb 25, 2026
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM CST7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Jitters Java Cafe
Coffee is provided, you are welcome to purchase breakfast or a pastry to enjoy while we visit.
Contact Information
No registration necessary.
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